Read C++ name mangling

Ever wondering what’s the meaning of xyz@?$abc@V?$def@H@@PAX@@ when getting linking error? Not again, because now you can read it easily only by finishing this!

First, what is it?
Compiler need to pass information to linker so linker able to link object code correctly, but linker and compiler have to talk with one language. That’s how this C++ name mangling invented, bad news is there is no standard of this name mangling (Right! Microsoft has its own mangling scheme). What we know about visual C++ name mangling is only based on reverse engineer because Microsoft doesn’t release any documentation about it.

How to read it ? Continue reading

Unable to Load SQlite.Interop.dll problem with System.Data.SQlite

Hai, I recently got some problem when deploying SQlite at my C# .Net project. Title of this post already describe the problem. When you use by referencing project to, there will be chance to reproduce this problem.

This steps will give you the right step to configure your project, so you can use sqlite without glitch. Continue reading